Effective IRSF Threat Management

Xintec defends your telecom operations from IRSF, combining advanced technology and expert insights to secure against global fraud threats.

Simplifying IRSF Protection

International Revenue Share Fraud (IRSF) is a critical concern, subtly draining revenue through complex schemes. Telecom operators face ongoing threats as fraudsters manipulate international premium rate numbers (IPRNs) for profit. 

The battle against IRSF demands vigilant defenses. Xintec’s approach, combining initial rapid detection with advanced analysis, offers telecoms a dependable shield against IRSF. This two-stage process efficiently identifies and predicts fraudulent activities, minimising operational disruption. 

Empower your network with Xintec’s specialised IRSF detection methods, tailored for telecom operators aiming to protect their revenue streams from sophisticated fraud. With our expertise, ensure your operations are protected against the evolving landscape of telecom fraud, keeping your revenues secure.

Our Approach to IRSF Detection

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Machine Learning Precision

Quick identification with minimal resources, targeting fraudulent patterns in telecom traffic.

Behavioral Pattern

Differentiating fraud from legitimate changes, ensuring accuracy in fraud detection efforts.

Predictive Modelling Efficacy

Anticipating fraudulent activities through advanced statistical analysis, staying ahead of threats.

Distinctive Xintec Advantages

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Speedy Deployment Precision
Quickly integrate solutions, immediately enhancing fraud prevention measures.
Managed Service Expertise
Expert monitoring and response, ensuring telecom fraud management is top-notch.
Flexible Response Protocol
Easily adapt to new fraud trends, keeping your network secure and compliant.

Revenue Integrity Assurance

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Xintec's IRSF Detection Expertise

International Revenue Share Fraud (IRSF) is a pervasive issue, exploiting telecom networks through high-volume calls to premium rate numbers, draining revenues silently. 

Xintec’s innovative approach targets this specific fraud, employing machine learning to analyze call patterns and volumes, distinguishing between legitimate business and fraudulent activity efficiently. 

Envision your network safeguarded by Xintec’s dual-stage analysis, where early detection and predictive modeling preempt revenue loss, ensuring your operations are protected against the most sophisticated IRSF schemes. 

Choose Xintec for IRSF protection. Our tailored solutions, designed for rapid deployment and immediate impact, offer a strict defense, allowing you to stay ahead of fraudsters in an ever-evolving telecom sector.

Guard your revenue against IRSF threats with customized solutions that detect and prevent fraud.

What Our Customers Say