Stop SIM Swapping and Jacking Fraud

At Xintec, we fight SIM swapping fraud by prioritising detection, verification and education to ensure that your telecom network is secure against sophisticated fraud tactics.

Prevent SIM Swap Fraudulence

SIM Swapping and SIM Jacking can present significant risk to your customer security, leading to unauthorised access to SMS messages and phone calls. These types of fraud involve transferring a victim’s phone number to a SIM card that can be controlled by the criminal, exploding OTPs and 2FA measures that are intended to secure accounts and transactions.

This type of fraud usually begins with an attempt to deceive telecom customer service into reassigning the victim’s number to their SMS, meaning they gain instant access to critical security codes. Telecom operators integrate multi-factor authentication systems for processes such as number transfer requests in order to try to combat these threats and reduce fraud.

Effective prevention relies on diligent verification processes and demands that customers are educated about the potential risks. This enables us at Xintec to shield accounts from unauthorised interceptions and ensure the integrity of personal and financial information

Secure SIM Fraud Strategies

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Our systems ensure customer identify verification through multiple checks before updating SIM information

Consumer Insight

We work with you to guide consumers to detect phishing scams, enhancing their personal account security.

Anomaly Detection

Our system is designed to activate early warning procedures to identify potential SIM swap fraud activities.

Protect Your Telecom Infrastructure

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Security Protocol Vigilance
At Xintec, we use simple steps to stop unauthorised SIM changes, keeping your customers’ information safe.
Continuous Innovation Cycle
We are committed to continuously improving our methods to identify fraud faster and protect you and your customers better.
Expert Support Access
Our experienced team will be accessible to support you quickly, whenever you have security concerns.

Simplified Fraud Protection Approach

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Secure Your Telecom Future With Xintec

As telecom companies face a surge of SIM swap fraud, Xintec deploys innovative solutions, integrating cutting-edge technology and industry expertise to effectively mitigate these threats. Our strategy takes direct action against SIM swapping by enhancing the verification process, closely monitoring for unusual activities and educating customers on security practices.

We proactively update our systems to catch fraud attempts easily, ensuring that your network is always secure against unauthorised access.

Our comprehensive approach reflects our commitment to not only react to threats but to stay ahead of fraud attempts, providing peace of mind for telecom operators and their customers. Through diligent analysis and targeted action, we work to prevent potential revenue losses and protect the integrity of your customer relationships.

Upgrade your protection with Xintec: Combat SIM swapping and SIM jacking effectively with our expert solutions.

What Our Customers Say